Welcome Vikings to the amazing world of Valheim. Since you are here it means only one thing you are looking for knowledge about the mythical and powerful bosses of this world. Our game world is huge and dangerous in addition to the usual survival and building huge fortresses and facing many diverse monsters our main goal is to defeat 6 powerful bosses, and each of them is unique in terms of skills as well as location.
Where can I Found Either BOSS?
Our first opponent at the beginning of the adventure will be Either. A majestic and huge deer wrapped with chains around its antlers which hurls lightning bolts at us like Thor with a hammer. We can meet him in the initial biome that is the grasslands

We will see its location when we interact with the runestone on the weld.

Before the fight against Eikthyr
It’s worth getting two trophies from the Deer which allow us to summon him on the altar as well as basic equipment that will make it easier to defeat him. That is, leather armour bow, baton and most importantly a wooden shield with which we can block most of his blows.
How Dose the Fight Look Like Against Eikthyr?
Deer has three different attacks from a distance, it attacks with ranged electricity, shooting light from its horns, up close he attacks us with his front hooves for an area electrical attack.
He will also ram with his antlers as a melee attack. The best strategy as in I mentioned earlier will be a shield which despite its size you can easily block its attacks.
After Defeating One of The Easiest Valheim Bosses Either
Hang his trophy on the sacrificial stone at the starting place in the world – which will give you the power of Eikthyr which, when you click “F” for 5 minutes, will enhance your endurance while running and jumping.
The rewards it offers us are as follows:
- -Hard antler (Used to make the first pick)
- -Trophy
- -Eikthyr’s power

Next Valheim Boss After Defeating Eikthyr Is – The Elder
Thanks to this and we are ready to set off to the next land that is the Black Forest

Which hides another enemy called “The Elder”, to find him we have to look around the destroyed towers or the Tomb Chambers where we can find the runestone:

Once this is done to summon him you will need three ancient seeds that fall out of spanners or brutes and quacks.

The Best Strategy Against Valheim Boss The Elder
Having a pickaxe after defeating Eikthyr, you should look into mining Tin and Copper to produce Bronze. You’ll want to be prepared for your clash with the Elder with brass armour, a high-quality bow and fire arrows.
Fire damage is the best way to defeat the Elder and will require a fair amount of them. After summoning the Elder, use pillars in his altar area to block incoming vine projectiles and jump out to hit him with arrows. Try not to take him out too far into the forest, as you may be attacked by additional monsters like dwarfs or trolls.

The rewards we gain are:
– Swamp Key (The key allows us to open swamp Crypts).
-Trophy from the Elder
-Power of the Elder – When we click F for 5 minutes, we will get a bonus to felling trees, which will allow us to attrition three times faster.
What is the best strategy against Bonemass?
After defeating The Elder, it’s time to head to the swamp where we’ll meet Bonemass the third Valhim boss who makes us realize that the real battle is yet to come. To discover his location, interact with the rune stone found in The Swamp Crypts, which you can access with the swamp key you received from Elder, or the ruined towers.

How To Summon Bonemass?
There will also be withered bones in the swamp crypts. You must find 10 bones to summon Bonemass at his altar.
Strategy Against Valheim Boss Bonemass
Bonemass has three attacks – a melee strike that he uses at close range. He also has a toxic attack that fills the air and deals serious poison damage if caught in it. His third attack is to summon mobs – skeletons and slime that will stand on his side and attack us.
If we want to defeat him, we MUST make potions to fight him, especially those with immunity to poison, although this is the third of the six bosses, it may be your toughest fight in the game. Bonemass is highly resistant to all forms of damage except blunt attacks and ice arrows.
You’ll want to use iron armour and blunt weapons such as maces and hammers against him, and stay close enough to reach him. Ranged attacks from bows and arrows are almost completely ineffective, even a fully upgraded wooden mace will do more damage than arrows.

Bonemass also heals during the fight, so you’ll need to continually continue attacking.
Since the toxic attack deals a lot of damage, you’ll want to carry a lot of poison resistance mead, so you’ll need to unlock the fermenter and make some potions before the fight.
Rewards After Defeating Bonemass
-Detector (Works like a metal detector, detects hidden treasures and silver in the Mountain biome)
-Bonemass power
-Bonemass Trophy
-Power: When you click F – Increases your resistance to physical damage for 5 minutes.

BEST Strategy against valheim boss Moder
Dress warmly warriors after it’s time to set off to the ice-capped mountains full of new dangers and another boss that is Moder.

Modera is the fourth boss in Valheim, a dragon that can be summoned on top of a mountain in the Mountain biome. To find Modere’s location, explore the stone buildings inhabited by Draugr in the mountains and look for a rune stone you can interact with.

How To Summon Monder?
To summon Modere bring three dragon eggs to the altar. The dragon eggs can be found in the mountain nests (and, by the way, each one weighs 200 slots, so you can only carry one at a time so you would do well to have a companion to help you with this extremely difficult task).

How to Defeat Moder?
The fight with Moder itself is not that hard has several attacks. On the ground it will swing its front paws to perform a melee attack. It will also use blizzard breath which will seriously slow down the movement of players, freezing them (if it hits, of course). While in flight, it can shoot a projectile out of its mouth, which can do a lot of damage when it hits, you will need general protection from the cold in the mountain biome, especially from the Mondere.
In order to have protection from the cold in the Mountain biome, you’ll need to make a Wolf Cloak (Or full wolf armour) from his skin and mine a fair amount of silver with a Bonemassa detector. It’s also a good idea to make a frostproof mead.

Most of Modera’s attacks can be avoided by performing quick dodges. You can spot when Modera is preparing to attack, and get out of her way. Her melee attack is also noticeable and avoidable.
Attack from a distance with the best bow you have, and with arrows that deal damage over time – like poisoned or fire arrows. Stay out of melee range while on the ground but stay close enough to be able to hit it with arrows immediately until you defeat it.
Rewards after Defeating Moder
-Tears of the Dragon (Enables the production of black metal)
-Moder’s Trophy
-Moder’s power
Power: The wind always blows in the direction in which you sail.

When you have rested after the battle our next destination is the plains
best strategy against valheim boss Yagluth

Here we will meet the once last boss the terrifying undead Yagluth, fifth Boss in Valheim. He is a huge skeleton wearing a crown. Yagluth has no legs or lower body, so he crawls behind the player using his large skeletal hands.
Where To Find Yagluth Runestone
Yagluth’s location will be added to your map using a plaque found in some tall standing stones on the Plains biome.

It can be summoned with five full totems.
How To Get Fuling Totem?

Fullings are goblin-like monsters that can be found on the plains, and shamans who are full sometimes drop totems after killing them.
How To Defeat Valheim Boss Yagluth

Yagluth has two fist attacks, one that deals damage in the attack radius and another that summons a meteor shower on the area. Yagluth also has a breath attack that acts as a long-range flamethrower.
The best preparation for him would be to gather a whole set of black metal, a shield and a silver sword that deals him high collateral damage against the dead. You can’t forget the potions for fire resistance because you will feel the very effect all the time on your skin. When the undead king falls under the onslaught of your blows, you will get nice rewards!
Rewards For Defeating Yaghluth
-Wisllight [needs to missland to play the area in front of us].
-Trophy of Yagluth
-Yagluth’s power
Power: immunity to fire, frost and poison.

Best Strategy Against The Queen

The Queen is the last boss in Valheim at the moment being.
This massive insect overlord is hard to find and even harder to kill. There are two things you need to summon the Mistlands boss: her location and the key to her lair, an infested citadel.

How To Summon The Queen in Valheim?
Instead of the queen’s summoning material, you need an item called “Keybreaker Key” to gain access into this battle. Seal keys are made from seal fragments found in the infected mines, dungeons of the Mistlands.
They are displayed on small stone blocks with breakable barriers You need a total of nine seal fragments to create a single seal key. Unfortunately, since the presence of fragments is based on cases, some mines do not contain any seal fragments at all. When you complete all the parts combine them on the Galdr table and use it to open the door to the Queen’s Lair when you are ready.
Abilities By The Queen in Valheim
The Queen herself has for the moment has the most attacks of all the bosses:
- Single leg hit – If you get into melee range, the queen will hit with one front leg. This attack has a lot of range and will hit you if you are less than a few meters away.
- Multiple leg stomp – also launched in close-range combat, the queen rises and slams all her front legs into the ground. This attack does not have a long range.
- Slam head – The queen tries to crush you with her head. Try to dodge sideways.
- Poisonous breath – inflict poisonous damage and spawn an overview. It has a high range.
- Run forward – The queen charges at you, running, if you don’t jump to the side.
- Underground dive – the queen will sometimes disappear into the ground, leaving you alone with the seekers. This is a great opportunity to get rid of your cockroach creatures.
Of course, it won’t be an easy fight, before you visit the Queen, make sure you have the best food, weapons and armour, and level up your skills.
If you’re playing solo, it’s best to use ranged weapons and stay out of range. If you’re playing cooperatively, it’s useful to share combat roles, with at least one tank-like comp (using Carapace armour) and one mage (using Eitr armour).
How To Defeat The Queen in Valheim Tips and Tricks
- Unfortunately, even an infested citadel is full of fog. To improve your field of vision, always bring Wisllight.
- Lure seekers from the queen and get rid of them first. It can be useful to deliberately wake up and kill the Seeker larvae, so you don’t have to worry about them.
- Wear a cloak. During the battle you will be climbing stairs and occasionally jumping (or falling), so fall protection is absolutely essential.
- Eitr weapons, glow staff and Frost staff, are quite effective against the queen. They will allow you to save stamina and keep your distance. The same goes for the crossbow, which is therefore a better option than the bow.
Alternatively, a fast misland-based melee weapon with additional elemental damage, such as Himmin AFL, can be an excellent choice. Be very careful, though you need to be well versed in evasion to survive a close-quarters fight with a queen.

Rewards After Defeating Yagluth (The Queen)
– Queen’s Trophy
-Power: Faster mining and Eltr Regeneration +100%
What If You Lose Again The Queen?
If you didn’t manage to defeat The Queen in the first try or you want to show your strength and determination again you have the option to summon her again using the summoning altar which is located on the top level of the infested citadel.
You don’t need a new seal key to re-enter the dungeon, but you do need to place the queen’s summoning materials, the Seeker Soldier Trophy, on the altar. As the name implies, they are occasionally dropped by “Seeker Soldier”, and you have only 5% to drop a Trophy which isn’t fun.

Good luck warriors honour and glory to those who defeat the terrible 6 and prove their strength and zeal.