Since you are here, you are surely eager to learn how to get the Dyrnwyn of Valheim – the most powerful legendary sword in the game! I’ll be happy to help you in this quest, but remember that only the most persistent will be able to get this extraordinary blade. If you want to learn about Ashvine a new plant to grow and to eat click here.
how to find Dyrnwyn in Valheim Ashlands
Finding the sword itself or rather its fragments is no easy feet. The first thing we will have to do is to find its location to know it we will have to visit the caves with the beautiful name stinking hole. The caves themselves are mostly found just off the shore and a piece further into the ash ground. Their characteristic sign will be the skeletons Askvin around the cave as well as in front of the entrance itself.

Although they seem empty, when we penetrate it long enough from the darkness a basic morgen or even a one-star chance of 50% may appear, so you’d better prepare for this tough fight.

Once you have dealt with it look around for the red sword tablet. If you are lucky after exploring 1-5 caves you should find it if not then you will have to explore 10 to 15 stinking holes, it will look just like in the picture below:

WHAT is the location of Dyrnwyn in Valheim Ashlands
Once we unlock the location on the map we will be shown a secret place. This is where we will find the first fragment of our legendary sword.

Once you get there you will see a building quite built up and in front of it a purple spawner.

The first thing you must do is to destroy it as quickly as possible because every few seconds it will respawn 2 star monsters of every type from the basic skeleton from Ashland to the wizard. The easiest way will be to destroy it from a distance with a bow, crossbow or using magic so that the enemies do not start to regrow.

Once the area is safe entry pickaxe in hand knock down a piece of the wall to get inside. Inside will be a platform surrounded by cores and on it will be the first piece of the sword and the location to the next half.

The second location will be an altar also with a welter of 2 star skeletons. This time we can destroy it as in the first case or run in and take the 2nd Dyrnwyn fragment and read the last location of the fragment which is also a thing.

We will encounter the same construction at the last location as at the first location and the spawner, but when we get to the orphanage the altar will be empty. We will be shown a cave to which we will have to go and there will be Lord Reto waiting for us.

This is a powerful mini-boss with incredible strength and attack. If you are a fighter then bone slime will not give you much against him. Even with upgraded armor with bone slime we can die from him from just little as 4 attacks, so be careful.
Blocking is also not possible as well as retort, the only thing left for us is single attacks and knockbacks or killing him from a distance with magic or 2 to 3 stacks of crossbow/bow bolts. Once we defeat him we get the last piece of Dyrnwyn to be crafted.

The cost to produce 3 fragments to craft our Dyrnwyn sword you will need to acquired 20 Flametal and one bloody rune that we can get Fortress if you don’t know how to get it click here.
How to get Dyrnwyn Valheim?
Their locations can be discovered from Vegvisirs: Two of the fragments can be found in an encased Grausten structure. The location of these structures can be discovered from Vegvisirs inside Putrid Holes. One of the fragments is dropped by defeating Lord Reto, within Tomb of Lord Reto.
What’s the cost to craft Dyrnwyn Valheim?
To craft Dyrnwyn you will need 3 of its fragments that can be found around Valheim, if you are not sure where to look for check our in-depth blog. When you get all of the 3 fragments you will just need to your black forge to be at level 4, other than that you will then need 20 Flametal and 1 blood rune that can be found in one of many Fortresses that spawn in Valheim Ashlands.
To obtain Dyrnwyn, the legendary sword in Valheim, you’ll need to locate and explore the Stinking Hole caves in the Ashlands, identifiable by skeletons at their entrances. Inside, you’ll fight powerful monsters and search for red sword tablets, collecting fragments of Dyrnwyn from various challenging locations, including a spawner-protected building and an altar. After defeating the mini-boss Lord Reto in a final cave, you’ll gather all pieces needed to craft the sword.
This is all you need to know to get the legendary sword Dyrnwyn. Eternal honor and glory to the warriors of the sons of Odin.