Hello knowledge thirsty Vikings if you are here then you want to discover a way to defeat the second boss which is The Elder as i will teache you all the ropes, if you haven’t yet defeated the first one which is Eiktyr click here
Where can we find the Elder?
This powerful forest guardian can be found in the black forest which is the 2nd location after defeating Eikthyr.

To find it we have to look around the destroyed towers or Tomb Chambers. Where we will find a plaque that will show us its location on the map.

How to summon The Elder valhiem?
We will need three ancient seeds. Which we can get in 2 ways, the first way is to find respawns in the black forest that emit purple light. While the second way is to find and kill the plague shamans.

hOW difficult IS THE fight AGAINST THE Elder?
Fighting him is already more demanding than with our Either. He has 3 different attacks, one of which is capable of killing the player instantly, making him very dangerous for a beginner. You’ll want to be prepared for a clash with Elder with high quality brass armor and a bow and fire arrows. He has a total of 2500 HP and neutral resistance to most types of damage, but is weak to Fire. As with all boss fights.
What skills does the elder have?
Momentum is a ranged attack that flies at high speed towards the player.It deals massive damage that is capable of killing the player instantly if the player does not hide or avoid it.It activates only when the player to move away from the boss.
This is an area attack the weakest that we can block with a shield.
Spawn roots
Around the entire battlefield there are roots that will attack us. The best solution will be to run away.
What equipment do you need to have ?
The best equipment before the battle will be bronze armor. White weapons which also have to be made of bronze are free to the player’s preference with which he feels more comfortable. The two most important aspects of our equipment will be a shield as well as a bow along with fiery arrows that inflict great damage.

What is the best strategy against the eLDER?
Ranged attacks from the bow can be a safer and simpler strategy than melee combat. The best bow usually available in this phase of the game is the Finewood bow, and fire arrows are the most effective arrows. Our opponent has a huge amount of health so stock up on a large supply of fire arrows from 200 to 300. Using the Eikthyr Power may be desirable to reduce the loss of stamina while running, keeping at a distance and dodging attacks.
What do we get from The elder boss ?

The rewards we gain are:
Swamp Key (The key allows us to open swamp Crypts).
-Trophy from the Elder
-Power of the Elder
Power: Elder Power – When you click F for 5 minutes, you will receive a bonus to felling trees, allowing you to wear down three times faster
That’s all you need to know about the second boss Valhiem. Eternal honor and glory to the warriors and sons of Odin. Good luck and I wish you many deceptions in your adventure.