Hello knowledge-thirsty Vikings, if you are here, you want to discover a way to defeat Bonemass in Valheim which is the 3rd boss. Look no further since I will teach you everything about this powerful opponent , if you have not yet defeated the second boss, The Elder click here.
How to find Bonemass in valehim?
We will find this fearsome monster in the marshes which are quite a common biome on the world map. But it’s not just finding them that is the challenge, but surviving in them. Because here we will encounter many new enemies which we will have to face.

After defeating the 2nd boss which I would tle elder we must search the crypts in the swamp which we can now open with the key.

In the middle of them we have to look around for signs that will show us the location of the boss.

The second way is to search the ruins you find in the swamps. There is a small chance that there will be a plaque with the location in them as well, but the chance of this is much smaller and can cause a lot of frustration while searching.

How to summon Bonemass in valehim?

Once we find the location of Bonemass we will need to make an offering to summon him. We will need 10 dried bones that are in crypts in the swamp or in random boxes that are in destroyed buildings and ruins.
So fighting this big pile of slime and bones will require us to do a lot of preparation in the form of armor as well as brewing potions of resistance to poison. If we prepare properly the fight is balanced around the expectation. However, if we dare not to do so, it can be very dangerous and will require previous experience in combat to avoid poisoning which i is going to be a lot more difficult if you haven’t defeat Bonesmass as all, yet.
What ABILITIES DO Bonemass have?
Summoning Creatures
If the creatures are not prioritized, they can overwhelm even a powerful Viking. The summoning of creatures by Bonemass is usually directed away from the player and has a very slow animation, during which it is vulnerable to attack. The player may prefer to retreat and prepare to attack the revived creatures the moment they land. The Stag Breaker and Iron Sledge are very effective in this case.
Poison Cloud
To avoid this attack completely, players within melee range will have to immediately start running when it looks like Bonemass is about to sneeze, doing tumbles can be too slow and use up more stamina than running.
Hand to Hand Combat
Very strong and poisonous attacks, normal blocking will likely stun the player and deal the remaining damage. It can be parried or avoided by using short rolling immortality. It can also be avoided by running out of range.
For the fight we will need all the iron set which we can get by mining iron in the crypts. Then we will need 3 types of potions. The most important one is the poison resistance potion which reduces damage by 75% against poison. The healing potion which will save us if we receive too much damage not only from poison as well as ordinary attacks. The last decoction for fitness, weapons although it may sound absurd at this stage will be a pickaxe as our opponent is immune to most of the incisive and blunt force damage. The only weaknesses are silver weapons and ice arrows but at this stage of the game we do not yet have access to them.

What is the best strategy against Bonemass?
- Using a hoe to level or raise the area around the altar of summoning will serve the dual purpose of allowing the player to have better mobility during combat, as well as preventing leeches from interfering with combat
- Using the Power of Eikthyr may be desirable to reduce the loss of stamina when running and jumping.
- Bonemassa can be easily defeated with Poison Resistance Honey and a two-handed mace, such as Iron Sledge or Stag Breaker (Iron Sledge can be obtained after defeating an Elder). By summoning the boss first and then climbing his altar from behind, the player can use the large area of effect of certain weapons to deal damage to Bonemass, while knocking any enemies that appear off the altar before being knocked back and staying out of range of any of his attacks. The player can still be poisoned, so Poison Resistant Honey is essential.
Group Strategies
If you have your loyal companions helping you the ideal solution would be for most players to focus on killing skeletons and emerging blobs as soon as they land. Although there is a limit to the number of creatures that Bonemass can regrow at once, it is very high at 8 Skeletons and 8 Blobs.
If the group consists of three or more players who prefer bows, the ranged strategy can still work even without frost arrows. Despite the resilience of the boss, the constant combined damage of the groups can reduce it quite quickly. Players should distance themselves from each other so that only the one currently being pursued by Bonemass has to flee. Creatures should be focused as soon as they appear, and it is best to switch to blunt melee damage to kill them quickly, then switch back to bows and Bonemass.
valheim What does Bonemass drop?

After defeating Bonemass he will drop you few items which are listed below:
- Detector (Works like a metal detector, detects hidden treasures and silver in the Mountain biome)
- Bonemass power
- Bonemass Trophy
Power: When you click F – Increases your resistance to physical damage for 5 minutes.
That’s all you need to know about the third boss Valhiem. Eternal honor and glory to the warriors and sons of Odin. Good luck and I wish you many victories in your adventure.