Rock and stone brothers and sisters if you are here you want to get information on how do deep dives work in Deep Rock Galactic. I have prepared some tips for you that will help you in this dangerous adventure

how to unblock the Deep Dives station
You must advance one of your dwarves at least once to unlock deep dives. When you play as one of the dwarves, you advance your player level and your specific dwarf level, like Scout or Engineer. There is a maximum level of a dwarf that you can reach. This level is 25. If you want to learn more about advancing your dwarf click here.
How Do Deep Dives Work in drg

Deep Dives in Deep Rock Galactic are a combined of three long missions. The big thing about it, is that your Health Points as well as amount of amination will not be reseted on the next missions because it will continue from the first mission on to the next, so always mine Nitro when you can to summon drop pots with ammunition since you will very well need them, if you don’t know how to do that then click here. One normal mission lasts about 45 minutes, while Deep Dive will take several hours.
The idea is to give you more gameplay that you can play for a longer period of time, instead of looking for quick missions. Deep Dive isn’t just one big and long mission, but also has an extra challenge. There are regular deep dives and elite deep dives. Elite Deep Dives add extremely difficult challenges for the duration of the mission. Elite Deep Dives can only be unlocked after completing one regular deep dive.
When completing Deep Dive missions, you must complete all tasks before moving on to the next area and mission. You keep everything you have collected as you move on to the next mission and the next.
are there any optional side quests in Deep Dives
In Deep Dive mode, you can not continue the mission, if all objectives are not completed. There are no optional secondary objectives that provide additional experience. Everything must be taken apart to move on to the next part of Deep Dive. It takes a lot of effort and work to earn these epic Deep Dive rewards so get to it miner!
what kind of awards you can get for Deep Dives

When you complete Deep Dives you earn matrix cores. Different types of matrix cores will give you different types of rewards. All of them must be equipped and purchased by using the Forge.
After completing Deep Dives, you can get a blank matrix core, a cosmetic matrix core, or a weapon matrix core. Cosmetic matrix cores are just that. Special cosmetics that you won’t find anywhere else but in Deep Dives, and that means they look extra spicy.
Weapon matrix cores are powerful weapon modifications. Normally, you can add several upgrades to your weapons at the equipment terminal on the space platform. But you can only upgrade your weapons so much. Then the weapon boosts you get from Deep Dives will enable you to add further upgrades to your tools. These affect such things as reload speed, damage, accuracy, and more. If you’re interested in which weapon die cores are best, feel free to. Click here
Empty matrix cores are something else entirely. These are special items used only in random events. Sometimes you may come across a machine event during a normal mission. You can find machine events regardless of the level of the player or dwarf, but you can only activate them if you have promoted the dwarf you are playing with. After activating and completing the event, you will only be able to access the reward if you have an empty matrix core, obtained after completing Deep Dives.
when Deep Dives is refreshed
You can play Deep Dive several times a day during the week, but after a week the Deep Dive germ will change. One Deep Dive mission is available each week, which can be repeated until the weekends. You can continue to tear through Deep Dive seeds to earn cosmetics and powerful rewards. Next week, a new mission and biome will be available to replace the previous Deep Dive.