Rock and stone brothers I come to you with new weapons that will help you in your further adventure and career of Deep Rock Galactic. I will try to give you the most important information and tips to get the weapons you will need in the farthest depths of caves and corridors.
How to unlock weapons in Deep Rock Galactic?

To unlock new weapons, you must perform equipment license tasks. These tasks can only appear on the task board when you reach a certain class level.

In general, new equipment allocations for primary weapons can be unlocked at levels 10 and 18, respectively. Secondary weapon allocations are unlocked at levels 15 and 21. So it’s worth collecting nitro raw material in missions as well as performing challenges that will strongly increase the level of our dwarf.
Each Equipment Licenses assignment contains 3 missions and may vary depending on the class and the weapon you’re currently unlocking.
what weapons can deep rock galactic unlock?

List of weapons you can unlock in Deep Rock Galactic:
- Gunner:
- “Thunderhead” Heavy Autocannon: require level 10 and Point Extraction, Mining Expedition, and Elimination.
- BRT7 Burst Fire Gun: require level 15 and Mining Expedition, Escort Duty, and Egg Hunt.
- “Hurricane” Guided Rocket System: require level 18 and Elimination, On-site Refining, and Point Extraction.
- ArmsKore Coil Gun: require level 21 and Mining Expedition, Elimination, and Escort Duty.
- Scout:
- M1000 Classic: require level 10 and Egg Hunt, Mining Expedition, and Escort Duty.
- Zhukov NUK17: require level 15 and Escort Duty, Point Extraction, and Mining Expedition.
- DRAK-25 Plasma Carbine: require level 18 and Egg Hunt, Mining Expedition, and Point Extraction.
- Nishanka Boltshark X-80: require level 21 and Point Extraction, Mining Expedition, and Salvage Operation.
- Driller:
- Cryo Cannon: require level 10 and Salvage Operation, Egg Hunt, and Point Extraction.
- Experimental Plasma Charger: require level 15 and Salvage Operation, Egg Hunt, and Elimination.
- Corrosive Sludge Pump: require level 18 and On-site Refining, Point Extraction, and Escort Duty.
- Colette Wave Cooker: require level 21 and Egg Hunt, On-site Refining, and Mining Expedition.
- Engineer:
- “Stubby” Voltaic SMG: require level 10 and Point Extraction, Salvage Operation, and Mining Expedition.
- Breach Cutter: require level 15 and Egg Hunt, On-site Refining, and Elimination.
- LOK-1 Smart Rifle: require level 18 and Salvage Operation, On-site Refining, and Escort Duty.
- Shard Diffractor: require level 21 and Escort Duty, Salvage Operation, and Mining Expedition.
After completing the third mission in the quest, a new weapon will be unlocked! Now you need to go to the Equipment Terminal and buy new weapons with credits and rare minerals.

All the hard work is paying off! You can equip yourself with newly unlocked weapons and try them out on bugs or on your companion. Rock and stone brothers it’s time to try out your new toys !