Rock and stone brothers Season 5 in Deep Rock Galactic’s space adventure has arrived. Which means new refuelling for weapons a mission called “Deep Scan“, in which players mine deep underground with the help of a huge Drillevator machine, and an event with new monsters that chill the blood of the bravest dwarves. I will try to tell you all about the new evncie so that everyone is aware of the rewards that await them as well as the monsters defending them.
what is the new event Season 5 Deep Rock Galactic
A new Core Stone seasonal event, involving a new mysterious purple stone protruding from the ground. Players must excavate the structure to access the Core Stone buried within and summon a device that safely mines and transports the Stone. This will give us tokens that we can earn up to 10 times when we mine the Stone and send it back to the surface as well as experience in the reward tree and unlock more cosmetic items for our characters.

While it seems simple it is not so at all. Protected by a swarm of brand new enemies called Core Spawn Crawlers, who are different from the creatures we’ve met so far in the roost in appearance, they resemble a cross between humans and apes from another dimension.
They attack quickly and without thinking with the single goal of finding intruders and killing them, It makes no sense to fight them for a long time, because in addition to their numbers they are extremely tough, inflict heavy damage and by the speed with which they move make it very difficult to eliminate them.

To win against them the most important thing is to attack the crystal they are defending as quickly and often as possible. The crystal itself has three layers of health, each time we beat the health to a certain level more hordes of enemies come and the crystal itself will begin to build a shield around itself, which will have to be kicked with pickaxes to be able to attack it again.
When we manage to survive and the Core Stone is destroyed all opponents will die and the cracks from which it came out will close.
How to Find Core Stone Event?
The event can occur in any Deep Rock Galactic mission , including Deep Scan.
Deep Rock Galactic’s Season 5 introduces the Core Stone event, featuring a mysterious purple stone that players must excavate and mine using a device that safely transports it to the surface. This task is complicated by swarms of new enemies, Core Spawn Crawlers, that aggressively protect the stone. Players must strategically attack the crystal to overcome these enemies and earn valuable rewards, including tokens and cosmetic items.