Welcome my knowledge-thirsty Vikings many of you have wondered more than once how to get rid of unnecessary things. I will try to explain it so that the unneeded items will also be useful for something even after destruction.
How to destroy items in Valheim
Our way to get rid of every item in the roost will be the annihilator. To get it we will have to find the trader “Haldor” whom we can meet in the black forest. Once we find him we will have to buy the thunder stone from him it costs 50 gold pieces.

The rest of the items for the creation of the annihilator we can get in the natural way and this is iron and copper if you do not know How to Find Iron, Copper, Tin, Silver, Obsidian, Black Metal you will find everything there.

Once we have everything, it’s best to put our machine on the pavement because after each use it will gently nick the area around it with lightning. The use itself is quite simple we put unnecessary items into the chamber pull the lever on the right side and that’s it basically.
In return we got a chance a 25% chance of getting coal so if we put 100 items we get 25 coal and as we know it is always needed for our production.
To destroy items in Valheim, craft an annihilator by purchasing a thunder stone from the trader Haldor, who can be found in the Black Forest. Place the annihilator on a pavement to avoid terrain damage, deposit unnecessary items into the chamber, and pull the lever to convert them into coal at a 25% yield. This process not only clears inventory space but also provides useful resource.