Hello knowledge thirsty Vikings if you are here then you want to know how to farm Valheim Ashlands New Plant Ashvine. If you don’t know what the new weapons are in the Ashlands update click here.
where to find Plant Ashvine
We can find the new plant in the great ruined ruins that are found in the lands of ashes. When we find them the characteristic sign will be the red vines that wrap around the walls and on them the new fruit a clump of blackberries which are an extremely valuable ingredient to make the best dishes that can increase our health by 100 points as well as stamina and eitr.

how to grow the Ashvine plant
We can only grow the plant itself on the lands of ashes because this is the only climate that favours it on the other biomes it will wilt after a few seconds. So we will need a fairly heavily fortified base or captured fortress on the lands of ashes to protect our crops from a huge number of enemies. Once everything is ready we will need a cultivator and just seeds.

As the only plant Valheim has some one more requirement to grow it and that is a wall. We need to build a wall at least 3 blocks high this will make our plant start to bloom and give fruit. The length of the wall also means the size of our crop so the higher and longer it is the more blackberries we will get.
When we harvest blackberries we always get 3 of them and a couple of seeds so if you are ambitious gardeners you can make a really huge farm or beautify your house on ash lands with red vines, wrapping your base.

F.A.Q. Valheim Ashlands Ashvine
Where to find Ashvine in Valheim?
You can find Ashvine in huge abandoned fortresses which you can find in the new Ashlands. Ashvine gives you a huge potential of bonuses since it can be used to create some food that can give you 100 stamina, health or mana a long with many other effects.
Finding and cultivating the Ashvine plant in Valheim’s Ashlands requires navigating the treacherous ruins to obtain the plant, then building fortified walls in the Ashlands’ unique climate to successfully grow and harvest its valuable blackberries. This new addition not only enhances your culinary options but also significantly boosts your health, stamina, and eitr.
That’s all you need to know about the new Plant Ashvine. Eternal honor and glory to the warriors of the sons of Odin. Good luck with your cultivation and may your harvest be bountiful.