Hello knowledge-thirsty Vikings if you are here then you want to discover the world of Valheim how to tame wolf. As you explore the world of Valheim, wild animals are everywhere. However, with a little food, protection and enough encouragement you can really make friends with these wild beasts. If you don’t know how to tame a wild boar one of the first wild animals in the world of Valhiem click here.
How to tame wolf in Valheim

First to tame wolf in Valheim which are wild creatures found in the mountain biome. Not only will you need the right equipment or honey to protect yourself from the cold, but you also need to know how to defend yourself if you want to tame these beasts.
Once you spot a wolf you want to befriend, you will need to build a temporary enclosure for it which must be of balisade of wood. Try to do this unnoticed, as the wolves will immediately start attacking you, gnashing their sharp fangs and claws. These animals are extremely fast and strong and can quickly defeat even an experienced warrior if you are not careful.
It is recommended to build a fence using Stakewall it is cheap and sturdy but if you want to be sure that the wolf will not destroy your fence you can also build stone fences.

Once the wolves are surrounded, they will angrily start attacking the walls, so you need something that can withstand that. Leave the opening for now, because you’ll have to let the wolf inside before you close it. Next, you need to lure the wolf into your enclosure. Take some raw meat with you and throw some into the enclosure. Find a nearby wolf and get its attention by bringing it inside, or create a small trail of raw meat leading to the enclosure.
Once the wolf is inside, close the enclosure and retreat. Wolves are easily frightened and will start attacking walls if you get too close. It helps to crouch down when you’re close, as it’s harder for them to detect you. After a while, the wolf will calm down and start eating raw meat. You will see small yellow hearts floating above his head, which means he is happy. Taming a wolf takes time and you will need to periodically replenish the raw meat. Also be sure to repair the walls, as over time they can become damaged and potentially break, releasing your future friend.
An easy way to accomplish this is to build a small platform over the stairs where you can drop the meat in and easily check on your furry friend. You can see the taming progress by hovering your cursor over the wolf.
When the taming reaches 100%, you will gain a new best friend! You can check the status of your wolf by hovering your cursor over it. To keep him happy, you need to feed him regularly. You can also stroke the wolf, which will make it start to follow you and yes, that means entering the battle. Your new wolf friend will actually fight for you against your enemies. But remember to protect him, because taming a new one is not easy.

If you can successfully tame two or more wolves, they can start mating which will make your pack of friends bigger and they will follow you and defend you until their last breath.