Getting tar in Valheim may seem difficult, especially if you do not know where to look for it and how to deal with a rather difficult opponent which is Growth. This is a monster that is always found near the tar tanks and attacks from a distance inflicting high damage, slowing our character and poisoning. Tar, is a material that allows us to create atmospheric, dark wooden buildings. Which adds some charm to our base.
Valheim How To Get Tar
Start by finding the right place. Tar is only found in the Plains, one of the more time-consuming biomes.

The plains are full of dangerous creatures, such as Fulingi and Deathsquito, which can kill with one blow if you are poorly equipped. That’s why there’s no way to head out there without proper preparation. You need solid armor, preferably iron or better, a decent ranged weapon and high-calorie food to improve your stamina and health.
Once you reach the Plains, look around for strange, dark pools in the ground – these are the tar pits. It’s easy to recognize them because they look like muddy ponds, and Growths often hang out near them.

Don’t be fooled by their innocent appearance – they can seriously harm you, especially since their attacks slow you down, making you an easy target. Once they hit you, it can result in your death when there are a lot of them. It will be hard for you to get away from their fairly frequent attacks. Fighting Growths requires patience and tactics. It’s best to attack from a distance and avoid tar puddles that can stop you and weaken you.

When you deal with the enemies, you can proceed to collect tar. The easiest way is to simply pick it up from the ground, as Growths leave it around after a fight. Sometimes, however, you have to dig right down with a pickaxe to get to the bigger supplies
When you deal with the enemies, you can proceed to collect tar. The easiest way is to simply pick it up from the ground, as Growths leave it around after a fight. Sometimes, however, you have to dig right into the pit with a pickaxe to get to the larger supply.

Make a hole near the tank and start draining it by pouring tar. In the middle of the tank itself is the most tar to carry from 6-12 pieces.
To get tar in Valheim, head to the Plains biome, where tar pits are found. Be prepared with strong armor, ranged weapons, and good food, as this area is home to dangerous enemies like Growths, Fulings, and Deathsquitos. Once you defeat the Growths near the tar pits, you can collect tar from the ground or dig into the pits for larger amounts, essential for crafting dark wooden structures that enhance your base’s charm.