Hello knowledge-thirsty Vikings if you are here then you want to discover how to tame wild boars in the game valhiem. As you explore the world of Valheim, wild animals are everywhere. However, with a little food, protection and enough encouragement you can really make friends with these wild beasts.
How to tame boar in Valheim

The first thing to Boar Taming in Valheim are obviously the wild boars which are some of the first wild animals you will encounter in the world, when you start playing Valheim. They are found in the Meadows biome and can usually be found roaming alone or in small groups.
To tame a boar, you need to build a small enclosure and lure it with food. Boars like to eat berries (both raspberries, and blueberries), mushrooms and carrots. There are plenty of berries and mushrooms in the Meadows, so it is easy to supply them. Once your enclosure is ready do not forget to leave a small hole in the fence and throw some food inside.

Lure the wild boar into the enclosure and quickly leave the enclosure, closing the open space left. Wait patiently until the boar calms down, and after a few moments he will start eating the food you left for him. When you see yellow hearts overhead, it means that the wild boar is happy and will start the taming process.

You can check the progress by hovering your mouse over the boar. You will see the percentage of taming the boar, as well as its current status. If it says it is acclimatizing , it means it is getting used to its new environment. Leave the boar alone and make sure it has plenty of food, and it will eventually tame. Once it is tame, you can safely enter the pen and spend some time with your new animal friend.
If you manage to successfully tame two or more boars, they can start mating It is important to tame two-star boars because after copulation we will get another boar of the same level and as you know creatures of higher level give more items after killing. Thanks to this we will have a supply of meat and there will be no need to go hunting. Remember to kill them using a butcher knife, which can be used only on tamed animals.