Hello knowledge thirsty Vikings if you are here then you want to discover the best places to build your base which you will call home in the late future. Although it seems like a simple task and many players will think that it doesn’t matter too much they are wrong. There are many places but only a few will give us easier access to resources, development of our house and characters.

Where to build a house in valhiem
While it may seem that bases are versatile and safe, neither of these claims is true, as bases require us to constantly expand them to make them safe and allow us to process in large quantities the raw materials we acquire in the game world. The best places to build bases in Valheim combine many favourable features. Like the combination of two lands that have the basic raw materials that we will always need at any stage of the game as well as those later. I will try to list the three best places to build your base.
best places to build a base in valhiem
The first such location will be a combination of the biom of the black forest and the plains. These two biom give us everything we need.
1. The Black Forest & The Plains

Black forest we have access to a large amount of hardwood and basic wood. In addition to this there is the vegetation needed for concoctions as well as the farm of course, the most valuable of all raw materials here is copper and tin ore. All of them are what we need for a lot of processing as well as decorations for our house.
The enemies themselves are not a threat to us are easy to defeat and it’s enough to fence them off with a palisade which will make them not notice us so that they do not attack our buildings. The exception is a troll who is able to destroy our house, but he rarely appears and killing him is not difficult either. It is always necessary to kill it away from the house so that it does not damage our structures.

The plains, on the other hand, supply us with black metal, which we need to create weapons, tools and chests in which we can hide our things and treasures. Besides that, we have easy access to Lox meat and wheat and thread, which we need until the very end of the game. As far as safety is concerned, it’s enough to fence off monsters, if they can’t see us they won’t attack us, except for mosquitoes, which fly quite high and can notice us, but they rarely if ever come close to our house.
The end result is that we can build such a house that meets our every need for safety production and progress so to get that, ideally we want to build between two of these biomes which are the plains & black forest.

2. Black Forest & Wetlands

This is a location that will allow us easy access to iron which is also needed in large quantities in the early and later progression of our game. In addition, we have easy access to chains of meat from rods and bags of blood from leeches which we need for potions as well as for food. Although this is a weaker biome than the plains but many more respawn here mobs that will want to attack us so in this case we should make a stone wall that will not allow them to attack our home.

On the other hand of course the Black Forest has a lot of resources that we have stated previously such as large amount of hardwood, basic wood, coper, tin and a lot more. It’s an ideal place to live in but for the full efficiency always build your house between two biomes and these 2 combinations that I have stated are the best places to have a house in Valheim.
Here is yet another example of a house that was build between The Black Forest & Wetlands.

3. Great Ocean

Although it may sound absurd, there are many small islands in the game world that can be expanded with our help. We will be completely safe from any monster attacks that occur naturally as well as event attacks. The big disadvantage is the swimming to get even these basic resources, but if we develop our island well, then over time we will be enough on our own when it comes to production on the farm or those trees. If someone wants a more peaceful gameplay then I recommend this location as well.
Over time, you may be surprised what a beautiful home you can build on a small patch of land surrounded by waves hitting the water just like the one below:

That’s all of the best places to build house in Valheim, Hopefully the locations given will now help you build your new home in the world of Valhiem in the right place when you know now what you are looking for as well as the benefits that each place will give you.