Hello knowledge-thirsty Vikings, if you are here, you want to discover a way to conquer a new fortress that has appeared in ashland. This by many players indestructible fortress will succumb under our blows to claim its riches after winning the battle. If you don’t know how to defeat the Valheim Fader boss click here.
where to find the charred fortress of VALHEIM
To find the charred fortress we will have to go deep into the island. Once we get far enough away from the shore our signpost to find it will be the green glow that hovers over the fortress. Once we find it our first step will be to clear the entire area so that during the siege no one will disturb us too much. Once everything is ready know it on the map and return to it already with heavy equipment.

How to get the charred fortress of Valheim Ashlands?
Conquering the fortress will not be easy as its walls are impervious to all damage only a battering ram and catapult can crush its walls and this is just the beginning.

Once the gate has fallen behind it will jump out at us a huge number of enemies who will not hesitate to drop some blood on us. That’s why it’s worth having weapons and armor made of flametal ore already then. Once we get before it, the next quite important thing will be to destroy 2 spawners of defenders without this we will not conquer the fortress and opponents will overwhelm us and our weapons will lose all strength.

Next, you will have to get rid of the bone crossbows on the walls because even inside they will aim at us and inflict damage.

The most dangerous opponent you’ll find there will be the Charred Warlock who summons his underlings as well as deals massive fire damage so you need to defeat him as quickly as possible in all the chaos. The easiest way will be to climb the walls to draw the rest of the defenders away from him and then with jump off the wall and kill him with a few blows.

After the battle, the only thing left is to collect loot from the chests there are 3 in the castle. Two outside and the last one in the middle of the tower.

To find the charred fortress in Valheim, head deep into the island until you see a green glow. Clear the area, mark it on the map, and return with heavy equipment. Use battering rams and catapults to breach the walls, destroy defender spawners and bone crossbows, and defeat the Charred Warlock quickly. After the battle, collect loot from the three chests in the castle.
This is all you need to know about the new fortress of Valhiem. Eternal honor, glory to the warriors of the sons of Odin. Good luck and I wish you many victories in your adventure.