In the world of Rust, helicopters are one of the coolest means of transportation, but acquiring and mastering them is an art in itself. If you’ve been playing Rust for a while, you’ve surely noticed players flying over your base, inspiring jealousy and slight anxiety.
Rust How To Get a Helicopter
The surest way to get a large helicopter is to buy one at Bandit Camp. This is a safe trading zone on the map, where for 1250 scraps you can become the owner of this flying colossus.

1250 scraps is a lot, so get ready to farm. Collect scrap from crates, barrels and drops, recycle resources in Recyclers, and even consider selling less needed items in exchange for scrap. If you play in a team, collecting this amount will go much faster.
The Scrap Helicopter, due to its size and power, uses more fuel than the Mini-Copter. You need low-grade fuel, so stock up on animal fat and material to make it from in the crafting menu. Prepare at least 200 units of fuel for shorter flights – the big helicopter is voracious, and getting stuck halfway with an empty tank is the last thing you’d want.

Applications of a large helicopter
Scrap Helicopter is more than a means of transportation – it is a strategic tool. Its main advantages are:
- Transporting a team: the helicopter will accommodate several players, allowing you to organize quick raids or explore the map together.
- Transporting large amounts of loot: if you have just looted someone else’s base or looted a drop, the helicopter will make it easier to quickly move the loot to safety.
- Combat advantage: a quick airborne raid on your opponent’s base gives you a huge advantage – an unusual tactic that can surprise even experienced players.
- However, remember – in the air you are an easy target. Players with anti-aircraft guns or rockets can quickly turn your helicopter into a burning wreck. That’s why it’s important to plan your routes and avoid flying over the most populated areas.
In Rust, the Scrap Helicopter is a powerful tool for transporting teams, large amounts of loot, and gaining a tactical edge in combat. To acquire one, save up 1250 scraps and purchase it at the Bandit Camp, then stockpile low-grade fuel to keep it airborne. While it offers incredible advantages, flying also comes with risks plan routes carefully to avoid becoming an easy target for enemy fire.