As you might already know League of Legends has a lot of skins to offer a long with many characters that come with these special cosmetics. Today I will present you the rarest old skins in League of Legends and their true value in real world cash (money).
All of the prices have been an average skin value pulled from all most of the popular League of Legends account market websites to give you the most accurate ~ price.
10. Rusty Blitzcrank – 50€ / 50-60$

Rusty Blitzcrank is one of the rarest skins in the game, as it was quickly removed from the store shortly after its release due to its design that didn’t stand out from the standard skin. The price of Rusty Blitzcrank is around 50€ in the European market & about 60-70$ in America.
- Release Date: Rusty Blitzcrank was released in November 2009.
- Removal: The skin was quickly pulled from the store shortly after its release, making it one of the shortest-lived skins available for purchase. The exact reason for its removal is somewhat unclear, but it is widely believed that it was due to its underwhelming visual design and lack of popularity among players at the time.
9. Silver Kayle ~70€ / 75$

It’s almost impossible to think of right now, but 14 years ago (give or take a couple of months), you could actually walk into your favorite gaming or electronics store and purchase a physical copy of League of Legends—something new players won’t even be able to imagine. Back then, physical editions of video games were common, and League of Legends was no exception. This period marked a unique time in gaming history, especially for the OG players of LoL who were able to get their hands on something truly special: Silver Kayle.
Release and Availability
- Release Date: Silver Kayle was available starting October 27, 2009, coinciding with the launch of League of Legends.
- Availability: This skin was an exclusive bonus included with the physical Collector’s Pack of the game. Purchasers of this edition received Silver Kayle as a special incentive, making it one of the earliest and most exclusive skins in the game’s history.
- Collector’s Edition: The physical Collector’s Pack included not just Silver Kayle but also other bonuses like Riot Points and additional champions. This pack was one of the ways Riot Games incentivized early adoption and support for League of Legends only about 65,000 of these were sold back then.
8. UFO Corki ~70€ / 75$

Another rare skin is UFO Corki, which was a promotional skin given out to players who registered before January 14, 2010. Anyone who signed up ahead of this date got this fun skin in their inventory.
Now, UFO Corki is an old relic that is rarely ever spotted on Summoner’s Rift. Thankfully, Riot has given the Yordle some better skins in recent years, so the UFO Corki skin isn’t missed but definitely also rare and has some value since it’s not going to ever come back so there is limited amount of them out there.
7. Victorious Jarvan IV ~ 100€ / 110$

The first end of season reward was none other than Victorious Jarvan IV. Any players from season 1 will be able to show off this relic. But have you ever encountered any players from Season 1? I haven’t, and therefore I also haven’t seen this skin yet which makes is rare in League of Legends. Remember that not many people actually played or even knew about League in Season 1 so there for this makes this skin extremely exclusive.
- Release Date: Reward in ranked for playing back in Season 1 (2011).
- Availability: Exclusive to only players that played ranked games in Season 1.
6. Young Ryze (Human Ryze) ~ 150€ / 160$

Counted among the priciest League of Legends skins, those fortunate enough to possess this skin are the ones who preordered the original League of Legends. This is a considerably smaller group compared to those who purchased a physical copy back in 2009.
This skin came bundled with another, even more exclusive skin in the League of Legends universe, but we’ll delve into that shortly. Understand that the likelihood of either of these skins making their way to the LoL store is extremely slim.
5. Championship Riven (2012) $200 – $500+

Every account holder who attended the World Championship event in Season Two (which seems like a lifetime ago, doesn’t it?) was instantly bestowed with the vibrant Championship Riven skin. The following months were filled with countless games and lobbies featuring players proudly donning this skin variant. The secondary market witnessed a frenzy in the immediate aftermath of the World Championship, with this skin often fetching prices nearing $400 (and sometimes even higher).
Things have settled down a bit for what was once considered one of the rarest LoL skins ever created. This is because the folks at Riot Games decided to reintroduce the skin during the 2015 World Championships. However, there was a twist – only one lucky person could claim this prize by accurately predicting the winner of every tournament. Just remember that there is also a lot of Riven players and with that the demand for the skin is high making it sell for crazy prices so if you got this skin you could hit a pay day in no time!
Release and Availability
- Initial Release Date: Championship Riven was first released in October 2012, during the Season Two World Championship.
- Reintroduction: In 2015, Riot Games brought back the skin with a special promotion. Only players who could correctly predict the winners of every match in the World Championship had a chance to obtain it.
4. Neo PAX Sivir

Neo Pax Sivir is a standout skin in League of Legends, combining nostalgia with modern design. The skin overall was given to that attended PAX event by Riot Games back in the old days. There was a limit of around 20,000 codes given away to feel rewarded for buying a ticket and getting a skin from a cool event.
When the codes hit the internet to be sold Riot Games terminated all of the available codes that have been given out making all PAX skins mega exclusive to it’s low redeem rate that happened due to that accident.
Release and Availability
- Release Date: Neo PAX Sivir was released on August 31, 2017.
- Availability: This skin was available for a limited time to commemorate the 10th anniversary of the original PAX Sivir skin. Players could obtain Neo PAX Sivir through the Hextech Crafting system, which required 10 Gemstones, a rare in-game currency.
2. Black Alistar
Black Alistar skin could only be acquired by preordering League of Legends in its early days. Even rarer than its counterpart, this skin stands as one of the most elusive in the League. Finding either of these preorder rewards on active player accounts is a monumental task, let alone stumbling upon them in the secondary market.
Encountering a player with this skin signifies that they have been part of the League community since its inception – a truly remarkable feat. It’s quite a marvel to think about, showcasing their status as legitimate OG account holders.
Release and Availability
- Release Date: Black Alistar was available starting October 27, 2009, coinciding with the launch of League of Legends.
- Availability: This skin was a special reward for those who preordered the digital Collector’s Pack when the game first came out. Because it was only given to a small number of early adopters, it has become incredibly rare and highly desired.
1. PAX Twisted Fate
PAX Twisted Fate holds the distinction of being the very first Twisted Fate skin distributed at PAX in 2009, a time when League of Legends was still relatively unknown and long before it became one of the most popular video games globally. Similar to other PAX skins, obtaining this skin required a physical code for in-game redemption. However, only the first 20,000 attendees at the League booth could secure one.
Release and Availability
- Release Date: PAX Twisted Fate was given out at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX) in 2009, making it one of the earliest exclusive skins in League of Legends history.
- Availability: This skin was only available to the first 20,000 attendees who visited the League of Legends booth at PAX 2009 and redeemed the physical code they received. Because of this limited distribution, PAX Twisted Fate is considered one of the rarest skin, I have personally played LoL for 8 years and I have only saw someone play with that skin about 5 times, that’s just shows the rarity right here.
PAX Twisted Fate makes it one of the most valuable skins in League of Legends by far, If you don’t already have it on your account, your only chance is the secondary market, where the price tag hovers around $300+ and often surpasses that amount.