Now the 2v2v2v2 new arena mode is out in League of Legends you should know the easiest way to win in them since there is quite a lot of controversy which champions are the best in duo but no worries since we will Present to you the most over powered compositions you could play right now a long with augments.
Best Compositions In the Arena
Taric and Jax Synergy
Is a super easy combo to play with a friend and demolish everyone in the arena. Taric would like to build as much HP as possible and with that all of these augments below are the best on him. On the other hand Jax prefers more of damage output augment that will help him in these fights, we prefer to build divine since it will give you a lot more healing for the mythic item a long with the example build below, this duo combo will guarantee you at least 2nd place each time!
Best OP Taric Augments in 2v2v2v2

First we got 3 sections of different kind of strength of augments and in our professional opinion all of these above are the most powerful on Taric while he plays with any champion it doesn’t even have to be Jax since there are many good comps with Taric.
First you would be look at the top row to acquire Mystic Punch which is giga over powered especially on Taric that already refreshes his could downs on non ultimate abilities by auto attacks and with this attentional augment you will be immortal!
Spirit Link – One of the most useful if you could get it since you will be building tank meaning all of the damage that your ally would tank comes into you and with that you just give your partner astonishing damage resistance against enemy champions which is also one of the most broken things we have ever seen and this definitely needs to get nerfed!
Windspeaker’s Blessing – Since Taric already got a heal on [Q] and a shield on [W] it’s a non brainer to take it since your armor and magic resist will increase even further to be the boss of the arena that can’t be killed!
Guilty Pleasure – Comes quite well in clutch because Tarics’ [E] stuns or in other words (immobilizes) enemy’s creating one of 3rd best augments to be taken whenever you see it because you heal for Max Health and as a Tank you should have a lot of it a long with [Q] heal spam that makes you just stupid op.
First-Aid Kit – Same concept as with Windspeaker’s Blessing but now you simply gain a 20% more heal and shield power that is superb powerful on Taric with his kit.
Buff Buddies – It’s a must have! While it’s cool and all to have all other augments you will run into a really important problem which is MANA, and as you know Taric will run extremely quickly out of it due to his kit and possibility of spamming abilities, the red buff damage is nice as well but not that necessary since you mostly need the blue buff!
Rabble Rousing – Is especially good with the Buff Buddies since you can spam the [Q] button to heal you and your ally while auto attacking enemy to death and even healing more and more for each ability used!!
Fireband – Is more of a mid/late game augment since you will be a tank that deals 0 damage it might be a good idea just to have something to help out your ally while attacking enemy’s consistently.
Keystone Conjurer – There could be a better choice for an augment whenever possible but do not underestimate the power of Runes that give Taric especially 2 of the best ones since Aery will help with the damage & shields, while the Arcane Comet with a little bit of an extra damage!
What to Build on Taric in 2v2v2v2 Game Mode?
Well first you should consider between mythic items and all of these two which are a good choice it’s just whatever you prefer over Locket of the Iron Solari or Evenshroud. Then a simple Ardent Censer is a good way to boost up your partners damage or Knight’s Vow to make them more tanky! Redemption is also another way that is super underestimated in 2v2v2v2 so make sure to give it a shot and we could finish of with Zeke’s Convergence & boots of your choice that you have probably decide on in the early game.
Best OP Jax Augments in 2v2v2v2

We got again 3 sections for each Augment strength but this time you got one, must have augment which is going to be your best friend always so always but always try to get Symphony of War because there is nothing better than Conqueror & Lethal Tempo on Jax, let alone these runes are powerful but together it’s all on another level!
Tap Dancer – It’s super useful since most of the champions in the Arena and well players will run away from you so you need that extra movement speed to be faster then them on top of which you should be the first person to get to the healing plant because everyone runs towards it anyway. Also you gain a nice attack speed as well that is hopeful to demolish everyone with Jax passive even more.
Mystic Punch – Only needed if they have a lot of tanks and you need to keep spamming your [W] which gives a nice burst of magic damage or simply if they have a lot of auto attacking champions such as Master Yi and all other ADC’s, all champions do some kind of auto attacks which is always a good utility to have but you will have to be the final judge if it will fit in your game.
Light ’em Up! – Another great augment due to Jax passive he already dose a magic damage as 3rd auto attack but now you do double that which can be insanely good with Divine Sunderer as your mythic to get more armor shred and knock enemies out of the arena.
Castle – Or how someone veterans would say old, Urgots Ultimate on a tap of a button is useful to get your ally out of the bad situation and you maybe to get closer to the enemy, swap quickly and kill them. There is a nice way of you running into the plant while your ally is low, casting the Castle ability to exchange places with them so they can help up from the plant while you get back into their place and keep fighting!
Deft – Not that necessary but quite useful if you haven’t good a good augment yet for attack speed just to keep that damage going!
Lighting Strikes – Probably second best possibly augment on Jax after the Symphony of War due to Jax’s build path he builds quite a bit of Attack Damage which combs nicely to get that Attack Speed while just building your items!
Thread the Needle – Would be only needed if enemy champions are super tanky and you need that extra amor & magic penetration that will help you to one shot these tanks efficiently and quite quickly.
Phenomenal Evil – Take it whenever you can since Jax is a perfect champion in terms of using this augment due to it’s infinite stacking of Ability Power that you receive 1 AP for each champion hit with an ability and we all know how we can spam W especially with Mystic Punch augment too!
What to Build on Jax in 2v2v2v2 Game Mode?
Bruiser is still the best possible option due to his kit and augments synergy since you can simply take Sympathy of War, Divine Sunderer or Trinity Force as a mythic a long with just full tank items afterwards as usual to maximize the utility and full talent that Jax brings to the team which is fist fighting up in close and with a good duo champion such as Taric he is unstoppable!
Final Thoughts of New Game Arena Game Mode
It’s definitely something that we haven’t seen before and especially awesome mode to play with a friend so remember to try out Taric and Jax with these best augments & build that we have presented to you today to get these extra wins for free while people still are figuring out the battlefield that has come to League of Legends.
While you play on the arena with your friend we could help you out during the start of the second split with placements for an affordable price to take the hustle away and the pressure while you have fun on a brand new smurf account that you will get totally for free!