League of Legends also known as LoL in short, is a titan in the Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (MOBA), has captivated gamers globally with its enthralling and competitive gameplay. Understanding the intricate LoL ranking system is pivotal for players venturing into its competitive realm, and here, we delve into the mechanics and nuances of achieving and maintaining ranks in Season 13.
LoL Ranking System Explained

So League of Legends ranked mode has a detailed ranking system made up of ten tiers, and each tier has four divisions. To move up through the divisions and tiers, you need to earn League Points (LP) by winning games. How many points you get depends on your Matchmaking Rating (MMR). Beating a team with a higher MMR gives you more points than beating a team with a lower MMR, also let’s not forget that you increase your MMR when you win or decrease it when you lose, which could affect your LP gains later on.
You can lose LP if you lose games or leave them early. The LP you lose also depends on your and your opponent’s MMR. At the end of each ranked season, which lasts about a year and is split into two parts, your final tier and division become your official rank for that season. You get in-game rewards at the end of the season, like special skins, and better rewards come with higher tiers.
The fun fact is that usually when you play on Blue side of the map which is lower left, you are the team with lower MMR then the Red team, it’s a myth however many of boosters actually say it dose work and it has been proven that it might not actually be a myth. Ovrall when you play on blue side, and win against red side, you should get about 1-3 LP more then usual if you would of won and played as Red team against Blue team. That’s how you could now know why you one game get +24LP and in the other +26LP.
What are the ranks in League of Legends?
The LoL ranking system is a structured hierarchy that delineates the skill level of players in the competitive gameplay mode, with ranks varying from Iron up to the highest Challenger, it serves as a metric, segregating skilled veterans from novices, ensuring balanced and fair gameplay by matching players of similar abilities, so you won’t end up playing against Faker when you start off for example. All of the ranks below have four divisions excluding Master+ ranks, since they require a fixed amount of LP to progress to the next rank.
When you hit 100 LP in your division which ranges from (IV to I) which is well 4 to 1 in greek numbering then, you will move up a division or rank. The majority players find themselves in Silver or Gold, which just shows how hard general climbing can be especially if you do not have a duo that could teach you some things, that’s why you should check out our duo boosting services to gain knowledge from a Challenger player as well as some LP.
Do not worry if you are not the best in your first or even second year of playing League of Legends since things do get time. The only mind set you need to have to move up divisions is wanting to learn and using that knowledge in your own games, we have seen so many players improving by just listening to a Challenger player that knows his stuff and tells accurate thing which you can specifically improve yourself to get better at the game.
League of Legends Rank Distribution in Solo Queue
League boasts a daily surge of approximately eight million players worldwide. However, how many of these individuals can claim a spot in the highest competitive ranks, and how many remain stuck in Iron? Let’s explore the data from leagueofgraphs which as the most accurate results from 06 October 2023.
Solo Queue Rank | % of playerbase |
Iron | 7.9% |
Bronze | 20% |
Silver | 20% |
Gold | 20% |
Platinum | 16% |
Emerald | 11% |
Diamond | 2.7% |
Master | 0.47% |
Grandmaster | 0.051% |
Challenger | 0.022% |
As you can see to become even Master Tier in League is 0.47% which is a big achievement however the skill and knowledge between Master and Grandmaster is a huge different believe it or not since there is still a lot of matches to get to the top.
Most popular ranks that people are in starts from Bronze up to Gold and that is a whopping 60% a player base just in these three ranks which is insane, so whenever you hit that Emerald of even Platinum be happy from your achievement since there is a lot worse people as well as better ones and you should be happy from your rank but if you strangle and would like some time off from League but keeping up the grind let our Challenger booster kick in and give you a hand while you save time & anger with our solo queue division boost service.
What is decay in League of Legends?

Well if you been lucky enough to hit Diamond+ you will have a decay so players such as yourself will remain in that rank and division as long as you will keep playing League. It’s kind of a bumper sometimes but it keeps the game more competitive and makes players to actually play the game more which Riot wants. When you do not have time to play these decay games you could always check out here, to buy some rank wins to get some more LP as well as keeping your account in check and that decay up in numbers so your rank that you have worked hard for will remain.
How does Elo decay work?

So when you hit IV Diamond, you will have 30 days to play another rank game or else you will decay to Emerald I. When ever you will play 1 game as Diamond player your decay will go up by 7 days so you would only have to play about 3 – 4 games to full up the cap of 30 days and then not play again until then, winning or losing dosen’t matter since you just need to play a ranked queue game.
However if you hit Master+ then you will have only max cap of 14 days before decaying which is lower by half from Diamond, which means you have to play a lot more frequantly to keep your rank, but there is also a small change, for each game that you play your decay day will now only go up to 1 day. So yes 1 day, 14 days max cap would equal to 14 days to feel up the decay. This is done so people in high elo actually play to keep their rank and not just shine it away in aram or normal games so you do have to be active to make sure you keep that well earned gains!
League of Legends How to play ranked?
To unlock or start playing ranked games in League you only need a couple of things which firstly is an account with level 30 or higher, and own at least 20 champions since when you play ranked queues there is no free rotation of champions to use like in normal games so you do need to have some to play.
Is ranked flex different from solo queue?
There actually is, one thing is that you can play Flex queue in a party (premade) of 5 people while in Solo queue there can only be 2 people playing max with each other but if you are Master+ you actually can’t play Solo queue with anyone, then it’s purely a solo journey.
Mainly people treat Flex Queue to play with their friends so most of the time ranks in Flex aren’t respected as much as in Solo queue since in Flex you can choose your team mates to create a dream team scenario while in Solo queue… well… you know how it is.
What is a respectable rank in League of Legends?
Depends how you look at it since respectable rank can depend on how many years you play for example but generally speaking if you have hit Diamond and above many players in lower divisions will have always respect to you. Generally speaking who ever is lower rank then you will respect you in some kind of a way since you know probably a lot more then them about the game. Some people might consider becoming Gold or Platinum as significant achievement but it all depends from person to person and your ambitions, set your goal and aim for it!
Is Emerald a good rank League of Legends?
Emerald is considered to be in the middle of the grind since there is still long way from Challenger but it dose shows you are kind of decent at the game, overall you can be proud to be Emerald but there is always room for improvement from wave management, jungle tracking, knowing champions abilities, predicting enemies, dodging, skill shot accuracy, better cs’ing, learning jungle clears, making better decisions from information you gather, punishing your enemies, map awareness, becoming tilt-proof, picking well in champion select, building accordingly… and quite a bit more but you get the idea there is always improvement, and if you think there is a lot of things, well don’t worry there are and even Challenger players do mistakes but the game is about which tam and players make least mistakes.