We all know how it can be frustrating so we are going to show you zed counter that’s why we would like to help you with some of the best counters against Zed, so you can practise them and the next time when you will find him in your ranked champion select hopeful you will be a lot more confident in yourself and your champion choice will be easy as snapping your fingers.
Who Can Counter Zed?

Shines especially in the early game and general lane phase against Zed. Her passive becomes increasingly deadly when stacked, giving her the upper hand. It’s more of a skill matchup; a less skilled Irelia will struggle, but the odds are in her favor. Opt for Ignite for kill pressure and exploit level-up advantages at levels 2, 3, and 6 by quick-casting abilities as you level up. This technique requires fast fingers and quick thinking but pays off handsomely.

Rumble is often underrated and overlooked in the Mid lane, Rumble is excellent not just as a Zed counter but also against other melee champions like Yasuo, Qiyana, Akali, and Diana. The key to success is managing his passive effectively. If you’re up against a a good Zed, rushing Zhonya’s Hourglass ensures you will not die after level 6 easily but if you have a feel he just isn’t that good just go with standard Hextech Rocketbelt if they have some bruisers and tanks or Night Harvester against squishy teams, you can thank us latter.

Renekton, can demolish Zed and other melee champions. His W ability becomes immensely powerful when his passive is above 50%, making it easy to win trades and secure kills. He is a good Yasuo counter, so just in case you would ever want to just smash that Yasuo player, trust us pick Renekton and make his game a hell that he can’t escape.
Renekton is albo flexible pick which can be useful since he is overall a Top laner and not a great Mid laner, just against few match ups that are melee. Remember that his “W” when charged to 50% brakes all shields in the game such as Diana shiled so there you go another good match up for him in the mid lane!

Pantheon’s burst damage and crowd control make him a great Zed counter, not only that but he provides solid CC, and his Q can critical strike when the enemy when they are below 15% health so he is quite strong as you can see. The burst from a Flash + W + Q combo can quickly eliminate Zed from the rift. When the lane starts you can wait for Zed to come closer to last hit a minion and then just press Q quickly in range to poke him with your spear or just throw them each time he is in an auto attack animation to ensure a clean hit. Let’s not forget that you will be able to roam whole map and if Zed goes missing you can simply use your Ultimate to follow him to help out your team mates.

Fizz makes the list primarily because he can dodge Zed’s ultimate with his E ability. However, be cautious a bad Fizz will lose to a good Zed. It’s crucial to practice Fizz before picking him as a Zed counter, especially if you’re new to the champion. Overall he is a solid pick but a Zed that has played a lot of games against Fizz will know how to play in terms of baiting your crucial abilities, you can do the same of course but just know when you use your E, it can be a big mistake. Overall he can dodge your Ultimate with his Ultimate as well which makes quite funny & fun match up to play. However it can be a lot easier if you want to ensure a clean win just take Pantheon or Renekon if you are new to League for easy mechanics.
How to Beat a Good Zed?
The key to beating a good Zed lies in understanding his abilities and playstyle, think of a Zed as a combo champion, without a good combo he can’t do anything. Knowing when Zed’s ultimate is up and how to effectively dodge it can make a world of difference. We would recommend Renekton or Pantheon against Zed if you are new or even Rumble, they are really good counters against Zed to have a lot easier time playing against him in the mid lane.
How Do You Counter Zed as a Support?
While this guide focuses on Zed counters in the mid-lane, it’s worth mentioning that supports with hard CC, like Leona or Nautilus, can greatly impede Zed’s ability to assassinate squishy targets in team fights, so if you think your team mates will struggle quite a lot against him it’s a good choice to a champion that not only have CC, but be healthy and tanky enough to not be assassinatedby him as well, bad examples against Zed would be: Morgana, Xerath & Lux. Yes sure they do have Crowd Control but they are just simply too naturally squashy to help their team mates with Zed.