Kai’sa excels in the mid and late game, boasting considerable damage output a long with evolved abilities that will help her during fights. But when is Kai’sa weak? The answer depends on her support synergy however most of the time is during the early game. Understanding her weaknesses can help you exploit them to your advantage especially if you pick the right champion to do the job!
Best Champions to Counter Kai’sa

They are ranked randomly so do not think that Draven is best and Samira is worse counter against Kai’sa since it is not the deal. All of the champions below have their difficulty to play and some are more beginner player or lower elo friendly such as “Tristana” and some more advanced as “Samira” which required you only to know what to build as all champions but how to stack up her passive effectively and quickly for a quick Ultimate, so there we go.

A skilled Draven can make Kai’sa’s life miserable from the get-go. His powerful early-game damage can force Kai’sa to play defensively, preventing her from reaching her full potential. Draven is not the easiest champion to play, but mastering him can make you a formidable kai sa counter.

Tristana, is your go to if you’re itching to shut down Kai’sa, especially when you hit level 2. Pair her up with an aggro support, and you’re in business. Unleash her “W” and “E” combo for a sudden burst of damage that’ll leave Kai’sa reeling. Now, wanna max out that burst damage? Then you’ve gotta go with either “Hail of Blades” or “Press The Attack” runes which will just give even more damage trust me, Kai’sa won’t know what hit her it’s like a horror movie, but you’re the monster!

Nilah can neutralizing Kai’sa quite effectively because of her unique kit. Her “W” is like a built-in “Nope!” button for dodging any ADCarrys auto-attacks which makes a lot of sense to pick her into Kai’sa. But wait, there’s more! Hit level 6 with Nilah, and you’ve got a golden ticket to engage and make Kai’sa wish she’d picked another lane if not champion since it’s quite powerful to pull a champion to your melee range and burst her with your whip.

Samira and crowd control? That’s a recipe for disaster, of course for Kai’sa, that is. Team her up with CC-heavy supports like Leona or Amumu, and you’ve got yourself a Kai’sa-crushing duo. Samira thrives in outputting a lot fo damage, and Kai’sa doesn’t have an escape until she dosen’t have her Evolved “E” of course. It can be pretty easy lane but most of the time it all depends how your support plays hopefully you won’t get an auto fill when you play Samira but when you do make sure to use in game pings to let your support know when you want to go in or trade.

Kog’Maw, he is quite simple but combined with a support such as Yummi or lulu or even on him own but he isn’t that powerful can deal with Kai’sa after one item. This match up can be quite boring in the first 10 minutes of the game if you do not have a good support. He can slow Kai’sa down with his “E”, auto auto attack from far with his “W” which is super useful but with Lulu buffs he can do a lot more damage.
Who is the biggest counter to Kai’sa?
There are a few champions such as: Draven, Tristana, Nillah or even Samira but it’s the question of which is the most effective and first time player friendly. In the meaning which is th easiest to play and achieve the outcome of winning against her. The short answer would be Tristana because she is super simple and if you know how to play her such as level 2 insta go in with her “W” and “E” you can burst a big chunk of any adc’s health bar especially Kai’sa that can’t do much in the early game.
How do you counter Kaisa?
Her power, lies in mid to late game with ghost or exhaust as summonr second summoner spell to try and survive until then. It kind of depends which supports she has but you would mostly want to take aggressive early game champion such as: Tristana or even Draven are quite popular picks against her that do quite well by simply being more powerful then her.
What is Kai Sa weak against?
Kai’sa is weak against any kind of CC (Crowd Control), so any kind of Leona, Amumu, Nautilus or Braum will do the job of making her lane a missionary for the whole lane if not game. Always during the team fight try to get her out with one of your assassins in the team or just someone that has easy access a long with you as a support to get to her easily to stun her while your team mate if not you burst her down, that she can’t even react.
What damage does Kaisa do?
Her basic auto attacks and “Q” ability deal physical damage. But hold up, she’s got a magical side too! Her “W” and passive lean more into magical damage, especially when you stack that passive up. So, when you’re facing her, you can’t just stack one type of resistance you’ve got to build some armor and magic resist, especially since she is kind of a champion that can build as a Hybrid because her champion just allows her to do so.