Are you ready for the best champions in League of Legends patch 14.5?
Today we have gathered data from all the most popular sources and come into conclusion on 3 best champions for each role during this patch that work in any elo, doesn’t matter if you are silver or diamond these champions will do well and carry hard in both! if you haven’t seen previous stronger champions click here

Gragas is a well known champion in League but mostly probably as a jungler, you don’t see him in the top laner too often but he is one of the best since he can simply cancel any engage ability with his body slam E, or just run away or even use it offensively to set up a gank for his jungler. So many ways to play him that gives you a super nice flexibility to build AP, Tank or both and always be useful no matter what. Gragas is definitely an S+ tier in patch 14.5 in top lane.

Camille a champion that will just simply bomb you down doesn’t matter if you’re a tank or not since in the middle to late game she can manage to deal 1000 true damage from a single ability which is her “Q” after recharge. She is super mobile, snowbally and has 1 v 9 carry potential that everyone needs especially if you’re bot lane isn’t doing too well. Not only that but she is amazing in catching people off gard and turning the fights around by focusing on a single target with her Ultimate!

This champion is just absurd in season 14, Karma is the best champion in patch 14.5. Karma can be played Top or Mid, she’s better in the mid lane but in top laner not too shabby as well! She can just build “malignance” and the rest tanky in the top lane which will do the trick of becoming unkillable top laner that heals a tone with “R” -> “W” combo. Not that but the poke that you will provide a long with shields is just insane and illegal at times, take an advantage of her when you still can!

Nocturne is one of the best junglers in lol patch 14.5. He can be played in any elo and is an always good pick, doesn’t matter what you are against most of the time. He can quite easily catch someone off gard as well as he has really good ganks just after 6. Solo Queue is always around picks (catching someone when a fight is happening) and nocturne is great at it!

Kha’zix will always be able to carry any game, when he get’s few kills and stack “Hybris” you will have so much damage and ability to just one shot anyone that isn’t a tank that you will always have win condition since even farming will get you a head! You can also go for level 3 ganks that will help your team a lot if you see opportunity to get a kill that’s why kha’zix is in the S+ tier everywhere since he is just simple and have a lot of damage in patch 14.5.

Briar is kind of a champion that needs a bit of practise but pays off a lot if you just play a handful of games and get a hand of her. She heals a lot, got amazing burst as well as a knock back that will save you at anytime you need to get out! Briar is S+ tier in patch 14.5 jungle.
Aurelion Sol

Aurelion Sol is definitely just pure evil right now, he can just sit back in the mid lane and stack his passive. If he game is safe enough from him to scale which most of the time will he will demolish everyone in the mid game and late game. Currently he has 52.66% win rate according to the most popular LoL patch 14.5 on 91,718 games. Just remember you can use all of your abilities when flying with “W” 🙂

Ahri, a great assassin that many people get from bronze up to challenger with some bumps but like with any champion you can do that. Ahri is just a bit more easier to say that with since she is always a good pick really, if you just know how to play ad assassins you should be on your way up a part from just knowing macro, and well wave management but everything can be learned. When you got some knowledge of mid laner then you should add Ahri to your champion pool since in patch 14.5 there aren’t that many tanks meaning Ahri can one shot pretty much everyone!

Do you like to just chill, farm and get levels up? Then Kassadin is the way to go but hold on for a second. Kassadin is only good as the champion against him and that’s why you should never, but ever pick him blindly without knowing who you are against sine he is super powerful but you will find a lot more success into picks that Kassadin wins for sure rather then playing each game against Tristana or Lucian and regretting your decision for 20 minutes, so great pick against AP’s, bad pick against AD’s.
Smolder currently the strongest adc in lol patch 14.5 due to him just having the stacking possibility and each game has a chance to stal for a long enough period of time that you be able to stack, stack, stack! Whe you get 225 stacks you will have elder dragon passive that is huge in fights that’s why currently Smolder is in S+ tier list adc patch 14.5.
Senna has yet another ability to just simply stack, well passive. She can burst and oneshot someone from half of the map that will allow you to stay behind and kill everyone when you have at least 100 stacks which is easy to do if you just collect souls consistently. Senna is pretty good with Janna or another champion that can help Senna to just stall the game like Braum where she can prock his passive with her Q abilit and follow up with W which is super powerful.
Twitch needs some time as well but if he get some kills early you should be looking to get that advantage into mid lane when crushing big wave bot lane just recall, buy as usual and instead of going bot go mid and just killer the mid lanner with your sneaky sneaky ability to get your team more advantage and gold from plates. Ideally you want to play Twitch with Yummi/Lulu/Jannna… or any other echanter.
Janna is pretty good pick in teams that have heavy engage since her Q will just demolish their ability to do anything or just start a good fight for enemy team. She also has passive movement speed for team mates, a heal on ultimate, shield on E and slow on W, what more would you like from a support champion honestly she is just a perfect champion in almost all cases especially in patch 14.5 support.
Leona is great but a bad Leona will consistently go without second though then “I GOT HIM!!!, WHERE IS MY TEAM AT!? ough I die…” so just be patient with your picks and just check who’s around you, and if they even got an ability or possibility to follow up your engage since you need to know where everyone is at all times then just going in blindly. Leona is super good at roaming as well just like any support but remember always ward and make advantage of vision in your favour as support.
Camille is at the moment the best support in patch 14.5 right after if Janna isn’t picked into it. She has a lot of damage and is super aggressive, get yourself an aggressive adc such as Nillah, Draven or Samira and you see yourself in a Victory screen at no time. You can catch anyone super easily just don’t be afraid of using your Ultiamte since most Camilles think no one will follow when they will. Hail of Blades is the way to go for sure each game as Camille support and resolve second.