Today am going to tell you which killers you should buy first, since when I started playing DBD I had the same problem as you, since there are so many killers that you could play it can be quite difficult to even just decide if the killer you want is even worth the purchase, so am going to rank these killers ONLY BASED on their best perks, so you can get the most value out of your iridescent shards or auric cells if you decide to spent some real cash on Dead by Daylight.

The first killer that you should get has a perk that will allow you to find everyone each time someone will enter your terror radius, and it’s currently the best information perk in the game by far that belongs to Xenomorph, that is called “Ultimate Weapon” and the way it works is quite simple.
Since each time you open any locker on the map the perk will activate for 30 seconds and whenever 1 or more survivors will enter your terror radius by any means they will scream and reveal their location to you, as well as cause them to suffer from Blindness Status Effect for 30 seconds which means that their aura reading perks won’t work!
The Artist

Alright, next killer has a perk that will allow you to slow down these gen rushers and generally the whole game and it’s called “Pain Residence” that belongs to “The Artist” Pain residence is is used almost by everyone because of the value it gives!
When you take it you will be given 4 tokens right at the start of the game and a single token will be consumed when you will hook any survivor for their first time on a white aura hook that is also called “scourge hook”, then the generator with the most progress on the map will explode and lose 25% of it’s maximum possible progression,
Using this perk you will be able to easily slow down the game enough to secure more kills just know that not all of the hooks will become scourge hooks because that would be just too easy and only some of them randomly will become scourge hooks.
The only problem with that can be, is that the RNG is not going to be on your side, because you will have some games where all of the scourge hooks that you are looking are just in the other side of the map or just too far away at times.
it’s rare to have this kind of a problem but it’s possible and definitely not fun, but don’t be discouraged since you should take this perk whenever you can.
Let’s not forget about her second perk that was recently buffed and is quite common to face against right now, called “Grim Embrace” it kind of works in a similar way that Pain Residence dose in terms of hooking survivors for their first time but this time on any hook you like.
When you do that then you will receive a token, and from 1 to 3 tokens you will block all gens each time for 12 seconds. However when you hook the 4th survivor then on 4 tokens all generators will block for whole 40 seconds and on top of that you will see the aura of your obsession for 6 seconds so you can utilize this time well and hunt someone down when no one can do anything.
Also if we just add up the whole duration that the generators are blocked it sums up to 76 seconds of blocked generators for the whole game, that’s so much value for buying just 1 killer!
The Nemesis

Now it’s time for Nemesis with actually 2 extremely useful perks so let’s talk about “Lethal Pursuer” that allows you to see survivors aura at the start of the game for 9 whole seconds which we can use to get an idea of which generators the survivors are going for first.
However if you’re a big brain gamer, then you could even pay more attention in terms of survivors movement, and if they are walking rather then sprinting at the start I can bet that 9 of out 10 times that means that hey have sprint burst that they just don’t want to activate right away, can be useful to know which player you should go after as well, not only that but if you got another perk that allows you to read survivors aura!
lethal pursuer will actually give you additional 2 seconds of aura reading which is just a nice overall touch for the perk to not be completely useless after the first few seconds of the game.
Second perk is “ERUPTION” that can slow down the whole game significantly by you just kicking the generators you want to lose progress, simple enough right, but how dose it work?
Well after you kick any GEN it will highlight in yellow, and then whenever you will down a survivor all of that marked yellow generators will explode and lose 10% of it’s maximum possible progression.
they will also start to instantly regress and on top of that if anyone was actually working on any marked generator that exploded they will scream and reveal their aura to you for 12 seconds.
If you run lethal pursuer as well then you will see that survivors aura for 14 seconds, which is more then enough to catch them easily, and you can do that each 30 seconds which is absolutely bonkers if you can manage to utilize it well!
The Clown

Has “Pop Goes the Weasel” that, works in the way After hooking a Survivor, Pop Goes the Weasel activates for the next 35/40/45 seconds:
- Performing the Damage Generator Action on a Generator instantly regresses it by -30 % of its current Progression
- Normal Generator Regression applies afterwards.
This perk is just ideal especially combined with “Tinkerer” since it will give you information which generator has reached 70% of it’s current progress. It also gives you undetectable status effect and informs you which generator has the 70% of progress.
It’s a quite strong perk that can be played on anyone but you do have to know which generator is most processed on the map as well as manage to get a hook on someone quickly to activate the perk.
The Plague

Plague has “Corrupt Intervention” which is definitely something you need even if you are not going for full generator defence build because, it blocks 3 farthest generators located from you at the start of the game for 120 seconds, what more would you like? Other then that Just know that corrupt will disactivate once the first survivor is downed which kind of balances the perk in some way.
The Cannibal

Now let’s talk about The Cannibal, and his “Barbecue & Chilli” that allows you to see every single survivor if they are at least 40 meters away from the player that you just got hooked which gives you a tone of information just from that since if you will not see everyone after it activates, it means that some of the survivors are within the 40 meter range.
So you could just search the area around since they would probably be going for a save or just go straight to someone that you have seen working on a GEN that you saw with our great perk
The Deathslinger

Next spot will take no one other then Deathslinger and his 2 perks which one of them is “Dead Man’s Switch” that activates whenever you hook someone and in this time when any of the survivors are on a GEN and they will decide to let it go even for a split second while repairing, the generator will get blocked by the entity until dead mans switch activation ends.
But he also has a 2nd super underrated perk in my opinion which is “Gearhead” that is absolutely ridiculous and it should get used more often since survivors will encounter skill checks when they are repairing gens regardless, that’s the only thing that they can’t avoid that’s why “Gearhead” is perfect in any game, since whenever any survivors loses a Health State so for example if you manage to get a hit on someone the perk will activate for 30 seconds.
In that time window if any of the survivors will encounter a skill check and they did a “GOOD SKILL CHECK” while repairing, which is just a normal skill check in this zone, their aura will be revealed to you for 8 seconds, that’s awesome right? I just don’t know why people don’t use it frankly.
However there’s one flaw since if someone will hit a “GREAT SKILL CHECK” in the small white zone here, Gearhead will not reveal the aura of that survivor but to be honest let’s be real when was the last time you did only great skill check? Probably not that a lot if close to 0 that’s why this perk is so good.