So far we have looked at Top, Jungle, Mid & Adc champions that will give you the most success in League of Legends. Today is finally time to take a closer look at one of the best supports that are extremely useful and can be picked with any ADC, to be honest some ad carrys are dreaming to have these supports each game so make their dream come true.
Top 5 Support Champions To Win More Games
1. Nautilus
Is a great crowd control tank support known for his engage potential and lockdown abilities that are a must have with adcs such as Caitlyn or Karthus. With his powerful anchor hook and crowd control chain, Nautilus excels at initiating team fights and peeling for allies so do not forget to do that since most supports just go in and leave their carrys without protection. Mastering Nautilus’ ability to engage at the right moment, land crucial hooks, and provide frontline protection can turn him into a awesome carry pick.
2. Milio
He is quite astonishing pick since he is a one of the first male enchanters with good amazing utility into modern champions that Riot release. He can be a night mare into Rengars or any dash heavy champion since you can simply use your Q and like a Leo Messi throw that ball into their face and you will cancel their dash which plays a main role. Mastering his kit can be more challenging then you think since you do have to think about everything and make sure your adc will help you on winning the lane. He is a great carry pick with long range allies that’s also when his ultimate come in superb useful when a melee champions engages.
3. Rell
Known for her crowd control and team fight disruption again just like Nautilus. With her abilities to stun enemies, provide shields, and engage with her ultimate, she excels at controlling the battlefield and protecting her team. She is great at engaging but also at peeling so choose wisely each time, you can practise her and Nautilus together since their mechanics at going in and peeling are like of most tanks meaning these skills can be easily transferred into another champion with a similar play style.
4. Janna
An enchanter support champion who specializes in protecting her teammates and providing utility, sound familiar right, just like Milio with her ability to shield allies, provide movement speed, and disengage with her ultimate. She is great at keeping her team safe and disrupting enemy engages. One of the most important things to master with Janna is her Q usage and E on her team mates to have a perfect timing on giving a shield to block damage instead of giving a shield randomly and then enemy’s can poke your carry without any punishment.
5. Taric
Versatile support champion who is awesome in both protection and engaging. With his abilities to stun enemies, provide healing and invulnerability with his ultimate, he offers exceptional utility and survivability to his team. He is more great at roaming as well due to his kit’s W and E combo that works so well on roams by stunning enemies with your allies.
Mastering the support role demands mostly game knowledge, and adaptability. While they champions require practice and experience, these picks possess the potential to dominate the support position and carry their team in one way or another.