Let’s talk about the best champions that you can learn in a long run that be always a great pick for any patch during season 14. To start things off, these champions aren’t the easiest to learn quickly since they need to be mastered and the knowledge mostly has to be gained from just playing the game to be consistent with them however when you achieve this consistent level and learn me matchups you could be the next Master+ player with these for sure!
Best Top Lane Champion To Master
Definitely out of all top lanners in the top alley we will highly encourage you guys with Riven since she is an awesome rewarding champion that simply as we said before takes time to master, some people take 50 games to know how to play her well and then just learn the match ups and for some it can take 100+ games just for them to have that magical click in the head where they can do with her whatever they want.
We would recommend you to watch twitch users such as AlloisNL / BuiltEUW / Viper since these 3 players are well known to the League community and they know their stuff with all of them being Challenger for a long time with their well known champion to all of their viewers which is Riven.
Best Jungle Champion To Master
Jungle is a weird one since the champion here can be strong at the same time and also weak which all depends on their clear speed so for a long time we don’t see any changes to Karthus jungle that’s why we would highly say that he is one of the best Junglers however he is quite simple but the time and most of his effort comes in to actually getting and hitting these Q’s which may be quite hard for a lot of new players that’s why you do need some games with him as well as Riven but the thing with Karthus should tick into your head a lot quicker.
The beauty of Jungle is that it allows you to punish bad players that’s why you need to learn the role too but it’s a lot easier since Karthus jungle has a fast clear speed, currently you can do 2:52 min full clear with no leash as Karhus a twitch OTP karthus streamer presented on YouTube that can be found quite easily for you.
Best Mid Lane Champion To Master
When it comes to the middle alley Akshan is one of the best champions that are extremely good in roaming with his invisibility on W and E. We would say he is super good because of the revive that can be game changing in these crucial fights however he isn’t the easiest too since his E which is a swing dose take some practise at first a long with general mid lane knowledge that is necessary like in all of roles. He doesn’t have that many bad match ups but avoid picking him against Veigar, Anivia, Lissandra, Azir, Vex or even Neeko since these champions do give him hard time, it’s not impossible to win against but you will have a hard time of doing anything because of their poke & annoying stun abilities.
Currently we see a lot of Ezreal mid in patch 13.12, here’s the Akshan power since he is super good into Ezreal, Tristana, Sylas, Viktor, Aurelion Sol, K’Sante, Vlad… and so many others the list is quite big so we won’t go further. Definitely check him out in your next games and do not give up on him easily like a lot of people since he has 3.9% pick rate currently only which isn’t a lot if we compeer it to other mid laners.
Best ADC Champion To Master
Well to be honest Draven is one of the best to master however Karthus ADC is actually such a strong pick that we just can’t forget about him, he is quite easy and best with stun champions such as Leona, Amumu, Nautilus defenitly give him a try if you got a duo partner and always build Liandry’s Anguish for the build. Back to League of Draven, he is the strongest normal ad carry by far for years and people climb with him to Challenger with ease do to his extreme power spikes and their micro skill in managing his axes.
He is rewarding as Riven when mastered so we can’t say that there isn’t a deeper learning curve sine there is and you may struggle at first which is always normal since failure is a bountiful thing if you take things to consideration afterwards what you did wrong and not make the mistakes again!
Best Support To Master
There are many talented support champions that can get you far however they are usually quite simple in our opinion but there is one that will always stand up and strong since they give others movement speed, they got a knock up, slow, shield and heal, sounds like a dream right?
Because it is! Janna is the one of the best supports out there but the skill comes in when you can do a perfect shield, stop enemy abilities with your tornado & use your ultimate at good timings to heal your team mates but also prevent a jumping Rengar for example. She truly is one of a kind but there is someone else too and this champion is Lulu she is quite simple but we can’t say enough how important giving a good shield is since you know that support that just gives you a shield in lane and then enemy’s just hit your heal bar for free when your support has their shield on cooldown.
We would say that overall roaming skill for a support player is to be honest more important since influencing the whole map is a challenge since your a second Jungler but when mastered you will get into your dream elo after a long of games and knowledge that has to be gained.
Overall Champions To Master
We got the Riven in the top lane, Karthus Jungle, Akshan Mid, Karhus/Draven ad carry and Janna/Lulu in the support, that’s what we think is optimal to learn and be better at the game quicker than ever however abusing meta champions is also a good way so do not forget that. If you are looking for some high quality team mates in these roles make sure to check out our duo services, we also do have coaching parts that can be obtain while duo queue boosts as well as preferred booster language for you to communicate easier in your primary language with a booster that speaks the same language so go check out our lol boosting that can be found just below.